Carla Filipe Narciso

Carla has a Bachelor in Landscape Architecture from the University of Évora, Portugal, Master in Geography with a specialization in Urban Studies from the University of Lisbon, Portugal, and PhD in Urbanism from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), with an Honorable Mention. She is a full-time researcher at the Center for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape of the Faculty of Architecture, UNAM. Her research publications are in the areas of urban theory, public space, urban planning, neoliberal urbanism, political discourses, power relations and gender. Carla has also contributed to translating scientific articles. She has been a speaker and keynote speaker in various national and international events. Carla is a member of the National System of Researchers, Level 1. She has received the National University Distinction Recognition Award for Young Academics in 2020.