Michelle Meza
Mexico/North America

Michelle has a Master’s degree in Sustainable Development by FLACAM UNESCO Chair for Sustainability, and an undergraduate diploma in Landscape architecture from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM. She is an associate professor in the landscape architecture department at UNAM. She accounts with professional and academic experience in multi-scale approaches for sustainability, regenerative design, nature-based solutions, urban, rural, and natural areas sustainable design facing climate change, especially in coastal zones. Her approach is to give design solutions from the territory to the execution of particular projects and their impact on individual, collective and global wellbeing. She has received several recognitions like the Urban Age Award from the Deutsche Bank, SEDEREC for her support of the capabilities of indigenous women in rural zones; as well as the 1st prize in the sustainability category at the Landscape Architecture Biennale of the Mexican Society. She has been a speaker at many national and international events, such as the International Federation of Landscape Architects, and is the co-editor of the online book Landscape, Planning, and Sustainability, recently published in México.